How do I remove inactive sites from my Akismet dashboard?

When you visit your Akismet Dashboard, you’ll see a list of sites that have been active during the selected month.

Screenshot of sites list from Akismet Account page

Revoking a site from your account

If you want to revoke access for a site which will prevent it from using Akismet, please click the 3‑dot menu for the site, and select “Revoke site access”. This will remove the site from your account and prevent it from using your API key in the future. If you’d like to re‑add a revoked site back onto your account, click the Unrevoke link for that site.

Screenshot of a dropdown menu which has these options: "See More Stats" and "Revoke Site Access"

Viewing stats per site

Are you curious about stats pertaining to a specific site? Click the Stats link for the URL in question to view stats for that specific site.

Once on that page, you can change the view to show different date ranges (60 day, six months, one year, and all‑time) and also view the advanced stats data for your site.

I don’t see my site in the Active Sites list!

The site may not have been active during the selected month. Try selecting a month when you know the site made an API call.

If you have general questions about Akismet, please contact us.