One Meeelllion

Since it started just a bit over 2 months ago, Akismet has now blocked over one million spams! If each spam took people a second to deal with, then we have saved Akismet users 11 and a half days or about 277 hours of time collectively. I never would have expected it to grow this big this fast.

Over 55 thousand blogs are protected by Akismet right now, and as more and more people start taking advantage of the system (and using it for other platforms besides WordPress) the system will only continue to improve and become more effective.

Thanks to everyone who uses Akismet for helping us get this far — here’s to millions more spammers thwarted. πŸ™‚


  1. Do I get a cookie for posting my congrats in the previous post a few hours ago? πŸ˜›

  2. Congratulations, and thanks for this plugins, saves a loooot of hassle.

    I have one question : I know it learns when you flag a comment as “not spam”, but does it also learn when you flag a comment as “Spam” then delete it via the Akismet page ?

  3. Pingback: a man without letters » Blog Archive » One Million Spams Blocked
  4. That’s awesome Matt. Congrats on the application development so far. I’ve been using it on my sites and it’s been quite amazing.

  5. Pingback: Connecting the dots » The magic of trackbacks
  6. Pingback: Kampoenk ManikMaya » Blog Archive » One Million Spam Blocked
  7. Pingback: Kampoenk ManikMaya » Blog Archive » Commercial Akismet
  8. Pingback: One Hundred Million « Akismet
  9. Pingback: Akismet: 100 millones de cometarios spam bloqueados - Online

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