Akismet Error #10003

Subscription Upgrade Required

Akismet Error #10003

Why am I receiving this error?

A Personal subscription is not appropriate for your current usage (multiple commercial sites).

Which plan should I choose?

If you need to use Akismet on 10 or more commercial sites, you can choose the Enterprise subscription ($50/month or $500/year), which will cover an unlimited number of sites. Otherwise, check out our plans page for the subscription that fits you best.

What if an agency or studio set everything up?

You can contact the folks who helped you get up and running, and let them know that their Akismet API key needs to be upgraded. Or – simply choose to register you own subscription and activate the Akismet plugin using your new API key.

Can I just de‑activate Akismet?

Yes. If you are currently using our WordPress plugin, go to the Plugins menu in your dashboard and click on the “Deactivate” link found directly under “Akismet.” If you happen to be using a different client, please refer to its documentation regarding deactivation. Note that your site(s) will then be left unprotected from spam, which is not recommended.

Can we help with anything else?

Priority support

Want to get help even faster? Don’t forget that our Pro subscription includes priority email support.